Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Anecdotal Vs Inventory

 Today first hour was optional. Reeba and Renju take seminar presentation on the topic ANERT and Learning management sysyem.

Second hour was taken by joju sir. Our physical science department continues seminar presentation on tools of assessment such as Anecdotal record and Inventory.

Third hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. Ma'am taught us about correlation. It is the relationship between 2 variables.Three types of correlation ;positive, negative and zero. Also taught about perfect correlation and coefficient of correlation.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Combination Tournaments


Today first hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. Ma'am taught us a new topic "statistics". Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.Then ma'am taught about  types of statistical analysis,  Role of statistics,population, sample and   types of data.

Next hour was taken by George sir. Sir taught us about combination tournaments such as knock out Vs leaugue, league Vs Knock out. Also taught to calculate about matches.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Be positive

 Today first hour was taken by jojusir.Before starting the class,we were asked to paste some inspiring positive thinking quotes on the Jam board.it was so intresting and exciting.

Majority did , mine was "stay positive, work hard and make it happen"

Then our physical science department continues the seminar presentation.I too also took seminar presentation on the topic 'merits of questionnaire '

Next hour was taken by Maya miss. Todays topic was peace education.ma'am shares the PPT and talked about types of peace, dimension of peace.Peace education helps young people gain knowledge, enhance their skills in the area of peace, and form an attitude about the meaning of peace in human life.  Peace education activities promote conflict resolution that promotes peace and values such as respect for human rights, freedom and confidence.

Last hour was optional.Lekshmi and Nikhil take seminar presentation on schemes for popularising science and Web 2.0 tools.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.” – Henry Ward Beecher


Today first hour was taken by Giby ma'aam. Ma'am taught about learning theories.

Next hour was optional. Gayathry and gopika take seminar presentation on science library and science fair

Last hour Maya miss taught about population education, demography , causes of population explosion ,remedies etc

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Grading Vs Marking..

 First hour was taken by Maya Ma'am. Ma'am taught about population explosion.

Second hour was taken by Ancyma'am. Ma'am taught about Evolution of education in Kerala during sankam, post sankam, kulashekra and post independent period. Also taught about evolution of education under provincial rulers.

Third hour was taken by joju sir. Social science department continues their seminar presentation on the topic Grading Vs marking system. They present well.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Science laboratory

 First hour was optional. We had seminar presentation by Georgia and greeshma on the topic science laboratory and field trip. They present well.

Second hour was taken by jojusir.English and malayalam departments continues their seminar presentations about assessment and grading system.

Third hour was taken by Ancy ma'am.our physical science department continues seminar presentation on merits and demerits of National policy on education 1986.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way.”


Today first hours was taken by Giby ma'am. Ma'am taught about transfer of learning. Transfer of learning takes place in many ways. It may from knowledge to skill,Knowledge to behaviour, knowledge to aptitude, skill to knowledge. There were about 4 type of transfer. They are positive transfer, negative transfer,zero transfer vertical transfer and horizontal transfer.

 Second hour was optional. We had ofseminar presentation of seminar presentation of Deepa Benny about the topic SAPA and CASE.

Last hour was taken by Maya Ma'am. Ma'am taught about the importance of  Inclusive education in schools.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

World Ozone day


First hour was taken by maya Ma'am. Ma'am taught about Intellectual property rights and its importance in B. Ed curriculum. Intellectual property right can be divided in to industrial property rights and copy right & related rights.

 Next Hour was taken by ancy mam. Today we had no class in this period. Ma'am assign us a test paper on Radha Krishna Commission or  university Education Commission.

 Next Hour was taken by jojusir. English department continues their seminar  presentation. They discussed about semester system, Internal evaluation system,self evaluation system and Peer evaluation system. Sir also discuss about the strength of current evaluation system and the improvements which had to be done in the current evaluation system.



 As a part of world ozone day (sep 16), our physical science association conducts an intercollegiate teaching competition program " KAIZEN". KAIZEN means becoming 1% better every day.

We got a good no of participation from various  colleges. It was such a beautiful experience for us. We made a live teaching programme. Each participants give their maximum out put and sincerity.

I got an opportunity to make an intro video for our program. All of us appreciated me for my effort.

KAIZEN intro video 

And the winners were,

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

National policy on education 1986


First hour was Optional. Ma'am discuss about the Ozone Day related program that has been conducted by our physical science Association.

 Text was taken by jojusir. English department continues their seminar presentation on the topic uniform assessment system (CBSE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).

Third hour was taken by Ancy mam. Our physical science department takes the seminar presentation on the topic national policy on education. Me too also take a seminar portion about the recommendations of national education policy

National Policy on education 1986 PPT

Monday, September 13, 2021

Games Tournaments


Today first hour was taken by   Ancy ma'am. Natural science department discussed about kothari commission.Then we were asked to complete the notes after the discussion.

Next hour was taken by Giby ma'am. Ma'am taught about learning, its factors, characterstics, types of learning, remedies, causes etc. Also explains about learning curve, its types.

Last hour was taken by George sir.Sir discussed about Tournaments and its types. Basically focused on knockout tournaments, its rules, teams etc.




Today first hour was taken by Joju sir.From today onwards, our group discussion starts.English department conduct discussion  on the topic "Current Practices in Assessment and Evaluation".

Then next hour we had Maya mam's class and we had a discussion session about "Education during the British Period". It was a wonderful session.lot of our friends shares their own opinions about british invasion.

Last hour we had seminar presentations of optional. Athira take seminar presentation on the topic "different curriculam approaches".

Me too take seminar presentation on the topic " Correlation ". Correlation is the direct or mutual or reciprocal relationship between different subjects within the curriculam

Correlation seminar ppt

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. -Robert F. Kennedy


Today first hour was taken by Giby ma'aam. Ma'am summarises the concepts discussed in the previous chapter. Ma'am also shares the video of a motivational song which help us for overcoming all the problems and obstacles in our life.Then ma'am taught about learning process and its functions.

functions of learning includes,

1)Change your behaviour according to new situations

2)Continuation of the change behaviour

3)Use of changed behaviour in various

Next hour was optional. Today we have two seminar presentations by Ancy and Ashna . They discuss about Types of curriculam and principles of curriculam.

Last hour was taken by Maya ma'am.Ma'am taught about education during British period 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Education is a gift that none can take away


Today first hour was taken by Maya ma'am. Ma'am discuss about "How to write a practicum".Ma'am also explains about the steps required for writing practicum.We were asked to select the topic and start working on it as soon as possible.

Next hour was taken by Ancy ma'am. Social science department continues the group discussion about  the  topic   kothari commmission.National Education Commission (1964-1966), popularly known as Kothari Commission, was an ad hoc commission set up by the Government of India to examine all aspects of the educational sector in India, to evolve a general pattern of education and to advise guidelines and policies for the development of education in India. It was formed on 14 July 1964 under the chairmanship of Daulat Singh Kothari, then chairman of the University Grants Commission.

Last hour was taken by joju sir.sir taught about psychomotor domain of Bloom's taxomomy, merits and limitations of Blooms taxonomy.

Commission class- Capillarity

Today  i had observation class on                   St. Goretti's  school. I try my level best. Capillarity ppt