Today our offline classes begins. First hour was optional, taken by neena madam. She explains about 3 phases of teaching : planning, interactive & Evaluation
The next hour was taken by our Gibi ma'am which was interesting and informative. She disclosed a new topic infornt of us about ID, EGO and SUPER EGO.
Third hour, Maya miss gave us an idea about what are the qualities that a good teacher should posses.
The fourth hour was taken by Dr. Joju John. And for the first time we had a group discussion about what are the danger's of technology ,for that sir has divided us into eight groups and I am among the fifth group. Also I am get selected for doing presentation and writing report. It was a beautiful experience for me
The fifth hour was taken by Dr. George V Thomas. we were goes to ground and had a warm-up section and after that we learned a new game called Kho-kho.